Legal Strategy Introduction
TEX Compliance
DeFi exists on a spectrum, from no compliance to U.S. SEC compliant token trading (as that seen with, and offerings providing AML/KYC tokens with data provenance).
TEX will provide backend compliance framework in a bespoke fashion, based on issuer-investor jurisdictions, as well as product offering specificity.
Jurisdictional Specific Compliance
Direct U.S. product is regulated by SEC issuance rules regardless of where and to whom it is offered.
Non U.S. product , including derivatives, may be issued by offshore entities to offshore investors with local particular jurisdiction-only compliance, without obedience to U.S. based compliance standards.
Product Scope
TEX will be providing back end tokenization compliance services for financial instruments of all kinds (underlying and derivative), across jurisdictions, and also to a series of purchasers ( both retail defi , as well as well as sophisticated high net worth funds, family offices, and individuals)
TEX listing platform will provide issuers and possessors of financial instruments direct liquidity through a number of products. Product categories include but are not limited to LP shares, Pink sheet listings, Preipo shares, Web3 company equity, and a few esoteric lines of derivative trading products.
The common thread is these products all benefit from more liquidity, and that is TEX’s main goal. This is achieved by proper due diligence in all transactions, proper risk pooling to ensure customers are always made whole when anomalies occur, and finally that regulatory and compliance protocols are mixed and matched properly without excessive adherence to any one standard , when that standard is not required by law in the situation at hand , contingent upon jurisdiction, product, and customer.
The primary legal goal is to implement this legal frame without foisting an excessive burden such that TEX maximizes the potential pool of customers available and interested in long term investment in each product category.
TEX’s efforts will increase price discovery dramatically for Illiquid products by bringing enhanced demand from DEFI investors.
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