Product Categories

Debt.D offerings:

The U.S. private credit market is valued at $1.4 trillion. Traditionally, this market has only been open to select institutions and high net worth individuals.

We prioritize private credit as our preferred debt instrument due to its attractive yield potential (often reaching up to 15%) and superior risk-adjusted returns. In the future, we plan to offer additional debt products, such as US Treasury bonds, among others.

Each debt product is tokenized as an ERC20 token and has its own unique issuance and redemption windows.

Equity.E offerings:

Owning equity in world-class businesses is the best way to build wealth. Unfortunately, the on-ramps for investors have continued to close over the past decade.

Take for instance the protraction of the IPO window. Companies like Amazon, Google, Salesforce, all went public within 4-6 years of their founding.

Today, the most valuable companies (like Stripe) are choosing to stay private for 10+ years. This means most investors cannot gain access until most of the value has been captured in private markets.

We are focusing on unlocking access to private equity markets, with a focus on startup equity & pre-IPO shares. We deliver the best prices on the hottest startups by aggregating deal flow through our brokerage network.

While riskier than other investments, startup equity offers asymmetric upside that is difficult to find elsewhere.

Tokenization also allows for smaller purchases of startup equity and great liquidity.

Last updated